A key commutative algebra lemma
Let A be a ring, and M an A module. What follows is the algebraic material need to define Spec A as a locally ringed space as well as quasicoherent sheaves on Spec A. For domain R, we denote by K(R) its fraction field.
Spectrum of a ring as a topological space.
We denote by X:= Spec A the set of all prime ideals of A. We give it the Zariski topology, defined by requiring that a subset C of X be closed iff there exists an ideal I in A such that C= Z(I), the set of prime ideals containing I.
We interpret it as the set of points p in X where f(x)=0 for every f in I. Here the value of f at p is its image in A/p and in fact of κ(p), the residue field of X at p, defined by K(A/p).
A basis of the topology is given by the principal open sets D(f), loci where f ≠0, aka complement of Z((f)) where f is the principal ideal generated by f. This basis is closed under intersection, in that D(f)\cap D(g)=D(fg).
Lemma D(f) is contained in D(g) iff the structural ring homomorphism A \to A_g factors via A \to A_f, that is f is invertibile in A_g.
Lemma Two ideals I and J have Z(I) contained in Z(J) iff the radical ideal of I contains the radical ideal of J. In particular Z(I) is empty iff every element of I is nilpotent, and Z(I) =X iff I=A.
Corollary Spec A is quasi compact. A finite set of principal ideals D(f_i) is an open cover of A iff 1 can be written as linear combination of the f_i, that is if there exist a_I in A such that
\sum a_if_i =1.
Key result
Theorem Let M be an A module and a_i, f_i finitely many elements in A such that \sum a_if_i =1. Then the sequence
0\to M \to \bigoplus M_{f_i} \to \ bigoplus M_{f_if_j}
with maps \alpha_i(m)=m and \beta_{ij}(m_k):=m_i-m_j is
- a complex;
- exact at M;
- exact.
Topological interpretation
- If U=D(f) is a principal open, the structure map M\to M_f only depends on U and not on f up to unique isomorphism
- There is a unique way to define restriction maps M_g\to M_f whenever D(g) contains D(f) which commutes with te structure maps from M
- The assignment \tilde M(D(f)):=M_f with the restriction maps so defined makes \tilde M into a B-sheaf of A-modules on X.
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